The Sniper at the Bogor Botanical Gardens

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Tembak burungfoto-4.jpgGaya penembak While not too late, yes, I want to tell you about the incident at the Bogor Botanical Gardens on 22 September. Every month my friends mailing list make observations of birds at the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Incidentally while ngabuburit, I set off towards the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Not bad, as the evening walk as well.
From the gates of the Botanical Gardens I get to Lake Scissors are a middle-middle there is a small island and bird infestation was always gray night herons (Nycticorax nycticorax). Not until Lake Scissors, from the distance I saw a man like carrying a bird, but it is unclear what the bird.
I hurried over to the friends who had already observing the direction of the bird island earlier. There already exist Noni, Londo and Wati. I asked, "why anyone nenteng bird anyway?" Londo also showed his finger in the direction opposite the island of birds. Yes ampyun! Apparently there are visible from a distance of about three people holding a pellet gun. I, too, peered at them through the monocular. Apparently, in addition to the three men had been, there is one person who bersergam police.
Huh! The more curious aja deh! I invite Wati to approach them. Aja pengen years, what his motives are shooting at night and gray herons in the Bogor Botanical Gardens? Arriving in front of the three men had, I was asking lots of questions. There are reasons that they are responsible. They do not know anything, just in order as superiors (in Bogor Botanical Garden) to reduce the gray herons night by shooting. He said, dirt herons already annoy visitors Botanical Garden, roads and trees there. Why?? Then, if another visitor objected to bird droppings, whether we are also equally buy tickets Bogor Botanical Gardens should not file an objection and disappointment on the part of the Botanical Gardens on the way they mengurasi population of gray herons night with fire?
After the overwhelming answer, we were faced with police officers, who he said was from 87 years to the security supervisor sekrang Bogor Botanical Gardens and added another job, helping to reduce the gray night herons with their fires. The reason, because he was asked at the Bogor Botanical Gardens management to reduce bird shot.
Sorry for ya .... Why they were not ashamed. Want to order by the agency wrote in which he engaged in conservation and education. If fired on the bird in front of visitors whether it be educational? You see, that day, there was a small boy who always followed the shooters were in the back. Probably son of one of the shooters time yes .... Is it educational? What if there tuh minds of children, that birds may be shot ... iiiiiih!
Apparently, the shooting of birds at the Bogor Botanical Garden has been run several times. And they usually do so in the afternoon, the grounds devoid of visitors. Tetep wrote, if quiet, there are visitors who are still walking around. For well-made hell we managed to watch them .... Huh!
Amazingly, the Bogor Botanical Gardens that was entered into the ranks of LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences), what they are not talking huh? LIPI's place of scientists, including the problem of birds. Hard indeed if I was rich layman .... Do not understand the way scientists think ... Bogor Botanical Gardens is one of the interesting locations for conservation education .... Please explain yes the father and mother at the Bogor Botanical Gardens. You see, a shot that includes the still juvenile, too. By the way, dikemanakan meat? at meal times huh? because, after falling on the ground, the birds are slaughtered at the Botanical Gardens Bogornya officer .... Incidentally Ady bring a camera, so I asked for his picture ... .. makasih ya already love ya Ady for me ... he ... he

Must not Allow Accurate and Reckless

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As a sniper (sniper), a soldier must take into account the signs of nature and sensitive to the situation. Boundary between life and death depends on the flair and expertise. How the story of the Sniper Raider 100?

Tuesday morning (3 / 2) approximately 08.30 pm the motorcade that escorted vehicles voreijders white car owned by the Military Police Commander of Regional Military bring I / BB Major General Noer Muis Complex Battalion entered the 100 riders in Langkat Namusira-sira.
Rider 100 hundred soldiers lined the street entrance of the Green Berets Battalion page to welcome the entourage Regional Military Commander of the I / BB.
Down from his official car Maj. Gen. Noer Muis directly investigate a soldier who was manning the checkpoint there. Accompanied by trumpet and drums drum Commander I / BB continue to examine the neatness of soldiers. After examination in accordance with the traditions that exist in the TNI, Commander appointed and carried a number of soldiers to Battalion Commander's office Rider 100 which is 300 meters
At the office, the Regional Commander to consolidate with the leadership element in its ranks.
That's when the newspaper reporters are looking at about Battalion 100 riders. Office buildings there Mudan painted green. In a building of this newspaper reporter (Sumut Post Media Group, ed) reading Kasi Riders Ops Battalion 100. The room is quite small for the size of the office. There, gathered some soldiers who turned out to sniper personnel Rider 100. There are no specific signs that stand out from their attributes.
This newspaper reporter had thought that the snipers Riders 100 is the figure of grim-faced and rarely spoke. It turns out that impression has not been proven, because they are friendly. After the talk and asked for permission from a ranking soldiers Cpl Two, newspaper reporters are welcome to eventually enter a room full of computers, laptops and other communication tools.
Left corner of the room sat a young man held the rank of Sergeant (Sertu) was using his laptop.
He was the D Hadiy Priyono, Head of Operations Section (Kasi Ops) 100 riders are welcomed with friendly newspaper reporter. Java-blooded man introduces himself as one of the sniper personnel who have riders Battalion 100.
While showing his photographs a special uniformed Sniper, he joked with the other soldiers. "Snipers in the Battalion Rider 100 this only amounted to 8 people only Mas," said Seru Hadiy in the initial conversation.
After setting the respiratory Sertu Hadiy Priyono finally willing to talk at length menganai his career as a sniper. '"Of the 8 people that there are snipers, taken two men from each Company. But to eight people are inter-coordinated, "he said.
To become a marksman, Battalion conduct of all personnel selection, variety selection is one battalion shooting competition. "Selection is done Battalion shooting contest between the selection of personnel. For the best personnel from the better and for other tests then such personnel (potential sniper) and then again either in the selection of mental, psychological, or knowledge lainya.Bagi personnel who pass it in again deeper learners to master type persentaan, "said Sertu Hadiy.
Hadiy cried again continued that personnel who won their shot selection in the Battalion to be trained directly at the school in Special Forces. "Additional Education shoot apart internally in Rindam (Education TNI Siantar) we are also sent to Kopasus to get more education a more mature," he explained.
Sertu Hadiy explains, is actually a lot of soldiers stationed Rider 100 viable as a sniper. "Limitations (number) of this sniper rifle because of the limitations that exist. Currently we only have a special long guns Sniper only 4 units. Now we use this weapon turns, "said Sertu Hadiy.
To supplant the skills, sniper Rider 100 is often included in various shooting championship for the International level. "We often follow the military shooting championships between countries, such as to Singapore and Cambodia. We joined together with the combined whole Kodam snipers in Indonesia, "he said.
Although the sniper in the Riders 100 has not had a notable achievement, they have an excess use of short firearms (pistols) Riders 100.
Technical Problem sniper work, according to Sertu Hadiy it should not be exposed because of security concerns both head of state (president) as well as security is concerned in the country from terrorists and other organized separatist.
'"For shooting practice is in force komandoper quarter (3 months) either type of gun, or a type of long-barreled firearms. We go deeper in shooting practice with a long barrel firearms, because it concerns the security, "he said.
Hadiy went on to mention that this is a security function Sniper head either from foreign countries or domestic. "This type of duck sniper various ways either (ducking) or camouflage by using natural costume in accordance with the functions and duties," he said.
For the forest, using a sniper personnel costume nets such as thatch or forest trees. Even the sniper personnel can settle in the jungle for weeks with the provision that to wait for the enemy.
Besides being able to survive for weeks in the woods with the stock mingu existence, Sniper is also tough enough for urban warfare. Even for this use Sniper costume dress all in black wearing armor and a bottle of pretty good sophisticated infrared binoculars or a camera mounted on steel helmets sniper rifles.
For security in the city, snipers are placed in high areas such as buildings, or in the tower-rise buildings. "For the areas of conflict, the sniper is always included along with other forces. Sniper separated with other forces to spy on enemy snipers from a distance, "said Haydi.
As he talked, Sertu Haidy invite this newspaper reporter walked into the shooting ranges within approximately 500 meters from the building of command. "To open warfare in nature, the sniper was placed on the evidence, the mountain highlands or the other.
Haidy Sertu then told me his experience serving in conflict areas in Aceh for about a year. "We do patrols around the entrance of each village, outside village, forest out into the woods to pursue separatist GAM.
Sertu Haidy reject the story unfurl his battles with members of GAM. "This involves the troops and the safety of myself," said Sertu Haydi. "To be sure, in the middle of the forest is very risky. If we do not kill, we killed, "he said provides an illustration.
In Aceh, Sertu Haydi only oversees the lurking enemy sniper military personnel from a far range. "During night operations, I am always equipped night vision goggles it is necessary for a sniper to determine the presence of the enemy in the middle of the night. Especially in the middle of this forest is very risky, if we do not kill, we killed,''he said again.
It is said Sertu Haydi, to shoot the enemy mareka should consider air temperature, wind direction and must know the range is perfect for shots off the opponent.
"We need to be proficient and know the true nature. Because if we are negligent, could change the direction of shots and missed shots binoculars, "he said of this single man.

TNI prepare sniper

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SOLO - MI: TNI will alert the sniper on the anniversary of independence of the Republic of Indonesia is the 65th at the State Palace, 17 August. The presence of the sniper as a precaution for the threat of terrorist attacks against the president, state officials, and VVIP guests who attended the occasion.

"If you do need it (sniper) will be held," the TNI chief General Joko Santoso after inaugurating monuments Major Achmadi in Solo, Central Java, on Saturday (7 / 8).

But how the security system will be applied later, Joko said he could not explain further. Because of safety performance that is a secret so it is not possible to say openly to the public.

But clearly, said Joko, the threat of terrorism had been anticipated early on by the military with the police. They have prepared a security system as closely as possible.

sharpshooter magnum

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The sniper is a term used in military field. A trained sniper to shoot properly and accurately by using a certain type of rifle. Some military doctrines use snipers belonging to the infantry squad level.
Modern snipers often equated with the sniper (sniper), whereas, the two are actually different.

One of the early emergence of a sniper is in the American Revolution. American rifle companies, armed with the Pennsylvania / Kentucky Long Rifle, a soldier in the Continental Army. Because the accuracy of these soldiers, many British officers who had to remove the symbol of their officers, so as not to be targeted.
Another early use of a sniper is in the British Army in the Napoleonic era. When it,........ Another soldier more use of inaccurate muskets, but the British Green Jackets used the famous Baker rifle. With special grooves in the barrel, this rifle is much more accurate, though its contents were longer. Users of this rifle including elite British army, and became the front line who relied on a lot of battles.
Snipers are also used in the American Civil War. Snipers are used by both warring parties Yuang. These elite soldiers trained and well armed, and also placed in the forefront as the first against the enemy.

Some doctrines distinguish between the sniper (sniper) with a marksman (Marksman, Sharpshooter, or Marksman designated). Trained as an expert sniper stealth and camouflage, while the sniper is not. Sniper is a separate part of the infantry squad, which also serves as a lookout and gave very valuable information field, the sniper also has a psychological effect on enemies. While snipers are not wearing camouflage, and its role is to extend the range at squad level.
Snipers generally has a range up to 800 meters, while the sniper can be up to 1500 meters or more. This is because snipers generally use a bolt-action rifle duck special, while a sniper using a semi-automatic rifle, which is usually a battle rifle or assault rifle is modified and supplemented telescope.
Sniper has received special training to master the technique of hiding, the use of camouflage, reconnaissance and observation skills, as well as the ability to infiltrate the front line. This makes the sniper has a strategic role that is not owned by a sniper. Snipers posted on the squad, while snipers on the level of battalion and company level.
[edit] Armament

Because modern sniper squad level (designated Marksman) fills the gap between ordinary infantry to sniper, sniper rifle is also designed as a mediator. Sniper rifle should have a further range of assault rifles (about 500 meters), but it need not reach the level of duck guns (more than 1000 meters).
[edit] Characteristics

M21 which is a modification of the M14.
Properties similar to duck gun:
Shooting telescopic
Larger bullet
The properties are the same as the assault rifle:
Semi-automatic firing capability
Magasine large capacity, 10 to 30 rounds
[edit] Adaptation combat rifles
Here is a combat rifle semi-automatic rifle with a caliber 7.62 x 51 mm such as M14, FN FAL, and HK G3, which was retired and replaced by a smaller caliber rifle with 5:56 x 45 mm NATO assault rifles such as M16. Combat rifle is better suited converted into a sniper rifle as the bullet is absolutely more powerful.
M21: adapted from the M14.
U.S. Marine Corps Designated Marksman Rifle: adapted from the M14.
G3SG / 1: a variant of the HK G3.
[edit] Adaptation assault rifle

U.S. Marine sniper using a rifle SAM-R which is a modification of the M16.
Modifying the assault rifle is the most easy and cheap, because the assault rifle just shoot the telescope needs to be added tools and keep using the same caliber.
A more effective solution is to replace caliber bullet with a larger caliber, and replacing the specific heavier barrel.
Example of a sniper rifle that uses the original caliber:
U.S. Army Squad Designated Marksman Rifle (SDM-R): adaptation of the M16.
U.S.M.C. Squad Advanced Marksman Rifle (SAM-R): adaptation of the M16.
M16A2E3: variant of the M16.
U.S. Navy Mark 12 Mod X Special Purpose Rifle: a modified M16.
Example of a sniper rifle that uses a new caliber:
Galil Galatz: 7.62 x 51 mm variant of the IMI Galil.
SR-25: based on the Stoner AR-10.


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The sniper is a term used in military field. A trained sniper to shoot properly and accurately by using a certain type of rifle. Some military doctrines use snipers belonging to the infantry squad level.

Modern snipers often equated with the sniper (sniper), whereas, the two are actually different.

ome doctrine distinguishes between the sniper (sniper) with a marksman (Marksman, Sharpshooter, or Marksman designated). Trained as an expert sniper stealth and camouflage, while the sniper is not. Sniper is a separate part of the infantry squad, which also serves as a lookout and gave very valuable information field, the sniper also has a psychological effect on enemies. While snipers are not wearing camouflage, and its role is to extend the range at squad level.

Snipers generally has a range up to 800 meters, while the sniper can be up to 1500 meters or more. This is because snipers generally use a bolt-action rifle duck special, while a sniper using a semi-automatic rifle, which is usually a battle rifle or assault rifle is modified and supplemented telescope.
Sniper has received special training to master the technique of hiding, the use of camouflage, reconnaissance and observation skills, as well as the ability to infiltrate the front line. This makes the sniper has a strategic role that is not owned by a sniper. Snipers posted on the squad, while snipers on the level of battalion and company level