The Sniper at the Bogor Botanical Gardens

Tembak burungfoto-4.jpgGaya penembak While not too late, yes, I want to tell you about the incident at the Bogor Botanical Gardens on 22 September. Every month my friends mailing list make observations of birds at the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Incidentally while ngabuburit, I set off towards the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Not bad, as the evening walk as well.
From the gates of the Botanical Gardens I get to Lake Scissors are a middle-middle there is a small island and bird infestation was always gray night herons (Nycticorax nycticorax). Not until Lake Scissors, from the distance I saw a man like carrying a bird, but it is unclear what the bird.
I hurried over to the friends who had already observing the direction of the bird island earlier. There already exist Noni, Londo and Wati. I asked, "why anyone nenteng bird anyway?" Londo also showed his finger in the direction opposite the island of birds. Yes ampyun! Apparently there are visible from a distance of about three people holding a pellet gun. I, too, peered at them through the monocular. Apparently, in addition to the three men had been, there is one person who bersergam police.
Huh! The more curious aja deh! I invite Wati to approach them. Aja pengen years, what his motives are shooting at night and gray herons in the Bogor Botanical Gardens? Arriving in front of the three men had, I was asking lots of questions. There are reasons that they are responsible. They do not know anything, just in order as superiors (in Bogor Botanical Garden) to reduce the gray herons night by shooting. He said, dirt herons already annoy visitors Botanical Garden, roads and trees there. Why?? Then, if another visitor objected to bird droppings, whether we are also equally buy tickets Bogor Botanical Gardens should not file an objection and disappointment on the part of the Botanical Gardens on the way they mengurasi population of gray herons night with fire?
After the overwhelming answer, we were faced with police officers, who he said was from 87 years to the security supervisor sekrang Bogor Botanical Gardens and added another job, helping to reduce the gray night herons with their fires. The reason, because he was asked at the Bogor Botanical Gardens management to reduce bird shot.
Sorry for ya .... Why they were not ashamed. Want to order by the agency wrote in which he engaged in conservation and education. If fired on the bird in front of visitors whether it be educational? You see, that day, there was a small boy who always followed the shooters were in the back. Probably son of one of the shooters time yes .... Is it educational? What if there tuh minds of children, that birds may be shot ... iiiiiih!
Apparently, the shooting of birds at the Bogor Botanical Garden has been run several times. And they usually do so in the afternoon, the grounds devoid of visitors. Tetep wrote, if quiet, there are visitors who are still walking around. For well-made hell we managed to watch them .... Huh!
Amazingly, the Bogor Botanical Gardens that was entered into the ranks of LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences), what they are not talking huh? LIPI's place of scientists, including the problem of birds. Hard indeed if I was rich layman .... Do not understand the way scientists think ... Bogor Botanical Gardens is one of the interesting locations for conservation education .... Please explain yes the father and mother at the Bogor Botanical Gardens. You see, a shot that includes the still juvenile, too. By the way, dikemanakan meat? at meal times huh? because, after falling on the ground, the birds are slaughtered at the Botanical Gardens Bogornya officer .... Incidentally Ady bring a camera, so I asked for his picture ... .. makasih ya already love ya Ady for me ... he ... he

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