TNI prepare sniper

SOLO - MI: TNI will alert the sniper on the anniversary of independence of the Republic of Indonesia is the 65th at the State Palace, 17 August. The presence of the sniper as a precaution for the threat of terrorist attacks against the president, state officials, and VVIP guests who attended the occasion.

"If you do need it (sniper) will be held," the TNI chief General Joko Santoso after inaugurating monuments Major Achmadi in Solo, Central Java, on Saturday (7 / 8).

But how the security system will be applied later, Joko said he could not explain further. Because of safety performance that is a secret so it is not possible to say openly to the public.

But clearly, said Joko, the threat of terrorism had been anticipated early on by the military with the police. They have prepared a security system as closely as possible.

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